Hazrat Jalaal ud Deen Kabirul Aulia
Rahmatullah Alayh
His name was Muhammad Bin Mahmood or Khwajah Mahmood. His Shaikh conferred on him the title, Jalaud Deen. He was a descendent of Amirul Mu’mineen, Hadhrat Uthman Bin Affan (radhiyallahu anhu). Apparently he was born in the year 695 Hijri.
Mujaahaadat was dominant in him. During the later part of his life he was overwhelmed by the state of Istighraaq. His khuddaam (those mureeds in his service) would make him aware of the time for Salaat. After Salaat he would once again lapse into Istighraaq.
He had forty khulafaa. From each one a separate Silsilah originated. Hadhrat Shaikh Bharaam whose grave is in Badoli is also Hadhrat Jalalud Deen’s khalifah. Hadhrat had initially appointed him to be in the town Barnaawah. However, Hadhrat’s most senior khalifah, Shaikh Ahmad Abdul Haq transferred him to Badoli on account of commencement (INSERT)
Shaikh Shahabud Deen Jhanjhanwi and Peer Samaud Deen Hairanwi were also among his khulafaa.
In Sirayul Aqtaab it is written that once Hadhrat Shaikh was walking along the river bank where a Hindu yogi was sitting with closed eyes in meditation. Soon he opened his eyes and said to Hadhrat:
“Congratulations! You had come at a most auspicious time. I have an elixir* by me. I took a vow that I shall give it to the first person I see after opening my eyes. Now, coincidentally, I have found you.”
Brimming with elation and pride he handed the stone to Hadhrat who took it and threw it into the river. The yogi was enraged. Stopping Hadhrat he said in anger and consternation:
“What have you done? Is this the appreciation you show for such a valuable and unattainable jewel? Give back my stone.”
Hadhrat responded: “You had already given it to me. I had the right to do with it as I deemed fit.”
But the yogi was unable to restrain himself. He demanded the return of the stone. Hadhrat said:
“Dive into the river and retrieve your stone. But, remember to take only your stone.”
When the yogi dived into the water he found on the river-bed numerous stones more precious than the one he had possessed. In addition to his stone, he took another one also. Hadhrat exclaimed: “You have violated your pledge.”
In amazement the yogi ultimately came to Hadhrat and put down both stones. He then accepted Islam.
His Demise
Hadhrat Shaikh passed away on the 13th Rabiul Awwal or Thil Qa’dh in the year 765 Hijri at the age of 70. His grave is in Paanipat.
He had five sons, viz. Khwajah Abdul Qadir, Khwajah Ibrahim, Khwajah Shibli, Khwajah Kareemud Deen and Khwajah Abdul Ahad.
Although many of his spiritual Silsilah flourished through the media of his khulafaa, the number of Silsilah emanating from Shaikh Abdul Haq Radoli exceeded those of all others. The continuation of this Chishti Silsilah (i.e. the one under discussion in this book) is also from Shaikh Abdul Haq Radoli. We shall now discuss him.